ANN: new LSM guidelines

Paul Moore paul at
Thu Jul 6 20:42:49 UTC 2023

Hello all,

With some renewed interest in submitting new LSMs including in the
upstream Linux Kernel I thought it might be a good idea to document
some of our longstanding guidelines around submitting new LSMs.  I'm
posting this mostly as a FYI for those who are working on new LSM
submissions, but also to solicit feedback from everyone on the list
regarding what we should ask of new LSMs.  If you think I'm missing
something important, or believe I've added an unfair requirement,
please let me know.

I've added the guidelines to the at the top of the LSM tree,
but to make life easier for those reviewing the guidelines I'm
copy-n-pasting them below:

* New LSMs must include documentation providing a clear explanation of
the LSM's requirements, goals, and expected uses. The documentation
does not need to rise to the level of a formal security model, but it
must be considered "reasonable" by the LSM community as a whole.

* Any user visible interfaces provided by the LSM must be well
documented. It is important to remember the user visible APIs are
considered to be "forever APIs" by the Linux Kernel community; do not
add an API that cannot be supported for the next 20+ years.

* Any userspace tools or patches created in support of the LSM must be
publicly available, with a public git repository preferable over a
tarball snapshot.

* The LSM implementation must follow general Linux Kernel coding
practices, faithfully implement the security model and APIs described
in the documentation, and be free of any known defects at the time of

The entire file, including the guidelines above, can also be
viewed in your browser at the link below:



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