[PATCH] security: new security_file_ioctl_compat() hook

Alfred Piccioni alpic at google.com
Wed Dec 20 14:38:31 UTC 2023

>> By the way, for extra credit, you could augment the ioctl tests in the
>> selinux-testsuite to also exercise this new hook and confirm that it
>> works correctly. See
>> https://github.com/SELinuxProject/selinux-testsuite particularly
>> tests/ioctl and policy/test_ioctl.te. Feel free to ask for help on
>> that.

> I do like extra credit. I'll take a look and see if it's something I
> can tackle. I'm primarily doing ad hoc checks on Android devices, so
> I'm unsure how easy it will be for me to run the suite. I'll get back
> to you shortly on that.

In response to myself, I unfortunately won't have time to do the
testing updates this year. If someone else wants to help, that'd be
great! Otherwise, I'll take a look next year after vacation and see if
I can take a crack at it. Thanks!

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