Paul Moore paul at paul-moore.com
Fri Dec 8 21:43:57 UTC 2023

On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 4:13 PM Kees Cook <keescook at chromium.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 03:51:47PM -0500, Paul Moore wrote:
> > Hopefully by repeating the important bits of the conversation you now
> > understand that there is nothing you can do at this moment to speed my
> > review of this patchset, but there are things you, and KP, can do in
> > the future if additional respins are needed.  However, if you are
> > still confused, it may be best to go do something else for a bit and
> > then revisit this email because there is nothing more that I can say
> > on this topic at this point in time.
> I moved to the list because off-list discussions (that I got involuntarily
> CCed into and never replied to at all) tend to be unhelpful as no one else
> can share in any context they may provide. And I'm not trying to rush
> you; I'm trying to make review easier.

>From my perspective whatever good intentions you had at the start were
completely lost when you asked "What's the right direction forward?"
after I had already explained things multiple times *today*.  That's
the sort of thing that drives really bothers me.

> While looking at the v8 again I
> saw an obvious problem with it, so I commented on it so that it's clear
> to you that it'll need work when you do get around to the review.

That's fair.  The Kconfig patch shouldn't have even been part of the
v8 patchset as far as I'm concerned, both because I explained I didn't
want to merge something like that (and was ignored) and because it
doesn't appear to do anything.  From where I sit this was, and
remains, equally parts comical and frustrating.


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