[PATCH 1/8] tpm: initialize crypto_id of allocated_banks to HASH_ALGO__LAST

Jarkko Sakkinen jarkko.sakkinen at linux.intel.com
Thu Jan 30 08:47:44 UTC 2020

On Mon, 2020-01-27 at 18:04 +0100, Roberto Sassu wrote:
> chip->allocated_banks contains the list of TPM algorithm IDs of allocated
> PCR banks. It also contains the corresponding ID of the crypto subsystem,
> so that users of the TPM driver can calculate a digest for a PCR extend
> operation.
> However, if there is no mapping between TPM algorithm ID and crypto ID, the
> crypto_id field in chip->allocated_banks remains set to zero (the array is
> allocated and initialized with kcalloc() in tpm2_get_pcr_allocation()).
> Zero should not be used as value for unknown mappings, as it is a valid
> crypto ID (HASH_ALGO_MD4).
> This patch initializes crypto_id to HASH_ALGO__LAST.
> Signed-off-by: Roberto Sassu <roberto.sassu at huawei.com>---


* After the subsystem tag, short summary starts with a capital lettter.
* Missing fixes tag and cc tag to stable.
* A struct called allocated_banks does not exist.
* Please prefer using an imperative sentence when describing the action
  to take e.g. "Thus, initialize crypto_id to HASH_ALGO__LAST".


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