[PATCH] KEYS: trusted: fix -Wvarags warning

Denis Kenzior denkenz at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 17:27:00 UTC 2018

Hi Nick,

>> So maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but the issue seems to be that
>> unsigned char is promoted to 'unsigned char *' by Clang and probably
>> unsigned int or int by gcc.
> No. This is extremely well defined behavior in C.  In C, integral
> types are NEVER promoted to pointer to integer types, only to larger
> integral types through rules more complicated than the correct flags
> to pass to `tar`.
> https://xkcd.com/1168/

Ah right.  Thanks for the correction.  So looks like bool won't work for 
the same reasons.  But unsigned int should work right?  But then again 
this is a boolean value and if we want to be paranoid we can simply 
tweak the 'c = h3' assignment to be something like:

c = !!h3;

So in the end, I'm happy with int or unsigned int.


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