Documenting the proposal for TPM 2.0 security in the face of bus interposer attacks

Jarkko Sakkinen jarkko.sakkinen at
Tue Nov 20 23:52:45 UTC 2018

On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 02:33:45PM -0700, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> So it really is essential that all steps, including the BIOS use
> secure PCR updates, or you may as well not bother in Linux, at least
> for security reasons.
> And I think you were on the right track, the TPM should have a
> per-boot authorization that flows through all layers of the TPM stack
> and guarantees the TPM hasn't been rebooted and with crypto prevents
> lost PCR updates. 
> But that does require standardization, as we do need the BIOS to
> participate.

These talks were already started before LSS 2018 on chat session.
The idea would be to promote the same approach for BIOS.

I see what James is doing a piece, not a full solution but you
have to start from somewhere.

As an opt-in feature it should be ok.


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